Thursday, May 23, 2013

Introducing our Guest Blogger

Things have been rather hectic in our little shop since Christmas and some things have fallen by the wayside i.e our Blog page.  So we would like to introduce, Pru Gibson, who has been given the task of   Guest Blogger. Pru is a member of The Berry Tea Shop tea-m, and some of you may have had the pleasure of meeting her when visiting our store.  She is extremely passionate about all things tea (as you will see below) and excited to be  bringing you some interesting and informative facts about tea over the next few months.  Here is a little intro into her world....

Hi.  My name is Pru and I am a Tea Junkie.

I love all things tea - green tea, black tea, white tea (no, not black tea with milk!), herbal tea, chai tea, kombucha tea, tea pots, tea cosies (I have quite a ridiculous collection - awesome but ridiculous),  tea cups, vintage tea cups (well, anything vintage really), tea sets, tea caddies, cooking with tea and of course drinking tea!  In fact, I am sipping on a Chai as I merrily type this....mmmmmmm :)

I have quite a tea collection going on at my house. I wouldn’t go so far as to call it a shrine, as that would be weird and little bit lame, but a collection nonetheless.  All sorts of loveliness can be found behind my Grandma's vintage table cloth curtain thingy – pride of place it is!

   Meet Cliff and Paulina....

They also love tea, so much so they opened their very own tea shop. To some they are known as the friendly, welcoming proprietors of The Berry Tea Shop. To others they are known as the best Employers ever. To me, they are known as "enablers" - Paulina and Cliff have knowingly been enabling my addiction for well over a year now.  I say knowingly as they knew what they were doing when they hired me.  I am almost 100% positive I am the sole reason they are open - ha!

In all seriousness, everyone who works or comes into the shop is probably just as much of a tea junkie as I am (with the exception of those who sit outside and patiently wait for their loved ones to finish up inside).

The Berry Tea Shop staff are all passionate about tea and everything that goes along with it.  Most of all we love to talk about tea and spread the love. We are a tea lovin' family one could say....and we are not at all weird or lame......

So if you haven’t yet been into our beautiful little shop I urge you to make the journey to Berry on the NSW South Coast and come and say "hi". Take a seat in our cafe and have a little bit of deliciousness with your tea. We have a very tasty selection of cakes, biscuits and scones (the latter could be even used as bribery to get those pesky non-tea loving family members to come in).

Once you have paid a visit to The Berry Tea Shop, we know you will be back!

We look forward to meeting you.

Miss Pru and the Tea-m xx

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